Early Supporters

Fluence project has been around for 6+ years, so a lot of people who are part of Fluence Labs allocation are not the team. They were advisors, earlier team members, etc. Some of founders have left a while ago. So that’s pretty diverse set of people with different interests.

Additionally, the token has been just listed today on exchanges, so now the DAO is fully available for anyone from community to vote.

Many words. So much deep. No proposals. Woof :dog:

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except seed investors that need to negotiate to get what’s supposed to be ours long ago. when are you planning to resolve this?


The FPT holders are also affiliates, not just/only retail investors? If not, how can their interests be any different? If so, how is this possible when doing a crowd sale?

How do we vote on this…and when?

This statement is useless to everyone. The team refuses to be transparent and continues to make random statements that don’t lead to any resolve.

Instead of making statements with no actual facts or figures, can you respond to the question asked of the team? What about this one:

Can you substantiate a reason to not honor the 40% + 25% bonus tokens which were clearly discussed in the newsletter when the buyback option was given?

What about the lockup? You talked about “Flowback” but you airdropped tokens to devs and you listed on exchanges which can potentially lead to “flowback”.

What about all the other questions form other members on the forum? What about addressing those types of questions so we can resolve this matter…

The developer rewards weren’t granted by the DAO.
The launchpool allocation wasn’t granted by the DAO.
What entity decided about those then, Fluence Labs? The association?
Anyway, our presale allocation now needs to be granted by the DAO.
The DAO needs 40 million FLT to constitute a quorum. That’s more than what’s currently circulating off exchanges. Some time after the vote, if it passes that is, the claim period will start, and one year after that we’ll have access to FLT.
So we’ll get access to the good we legally acquired through a bilateral binding contract by… 2030 maybe? If at all. Anyone involved will surely understand that this is not acceptable.

Once again: The final 2018 agreement and my proposal.
It’s decent. It’s not demanding anything that wasn’t already part of the original agreements. It includes just a 25% bonus over the amount Evgeny offered in here, which was part of the compensation for the long wait we’ve been offered in 2018. I even falls behind the original agreement when it comes to lockups and what could be considered an indirect bonus through the adapted ICO price. I’m willing to ditch that.

The issue at hand is
a) zero communication from anyone who happily took our money back in 2017. Evgeny doesn’t communicate, he randomly writes comments underlining his position. Haven’t heard a single word from Tom.
b) zero information on how the vote is supposed to happen considering the hefty requirements. Obviously we won’t wait for years until the project picks up steam and eventually a vote may take place. Which isn’t just about sufficient avilability of tokens but also people checking in here.

The first step in resolving this would be answers by someone who doesn’t provide random responses once a week. We can also have a call with some known stakeholders.


Please Fluence Team ( Evgeny, Tom ecc) reply to us and let’s proceed together on the same path.


I can repeat that I don’t support special privileges for FPT grant that some people are asking here.

Proposal for the grant has been posted on-chain: Tally | Fluence Proposal

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Excuse me, Evgeny but who can vote for the proposal? It seems logical to me that we FPT owners are entitled to at least a 10x change in FLT. Not granting us anything could be a very dangerous boomerang for everyone. Let’s be reasonable and let’s all be on the same side.

I completely understand the lack of support for special privilege but the 25% bonus tokens is not a special privilege it was a promise made by you personally representing Fluence in your early capacity as Founder.

Do you not remember the offer of staying in or buyback where you literally talked about the 40% and then the 25% additional tokens? If you don’t believe go look at it yourself. Its in the link in Iruwens post.
We even went so far as to remove the 40% and place only the 25% as that was a clean cut bonus to hold on for 6 years.

So its not special privileges that we are asking for it literally was your own word that not you are turning back on. It is incredibly sad to see that you won’t even stand by your word as the Founder of Fluence on the guise of special privilege. Its like you raising a round at 0.50 cents a token and then giving them less tokens than what was promised and then telling them you don’t believe in special privilege’s … its was literally an agreement made by you to the third party …and then later you change it on them like a bipolar sociopath. Karma is great…enjoy living with it.


Interesting turn of events…bad start and don’t agree with how this is being handled by the team.


I contributed to ICO but did not receive FPT tokens to my wallet. Am I eligible for FLT?

Hey, how are you? Seriously, this must be stressful for you. How about we skip the VC talk and get out of hibernation and let it out of your system? Are you being held hostage? If so, say the code word HONOR, and we’ll send help.

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I think the reasoning is, that we give up the 25% bonus with the -1 year lock in. Which is debatable and probably the best for the project. Personally, I hope the team does well, and the project becomes a success. Still, the team should be more engaged, communicative/clear and transparent to not turn their early backers against them. May this be a lesson…

They are not erc20 so they might still be there you can query the old contract and confirm or not.
Its its not in the wallet or there isn’t a transaction on the wallet I doubt you will see anything.

Hi howard, I saw your message to JKFDev.
I have also contributed to the pre-sale in august 2017. never picked up my FPT tokens. I have confirmation that my ethereum transaction was accepted by the pre-sale contract adress. Is there anyway how i can claim my FPT tokens still.

the FPT transfer was automatic. if you contributed to the contract you should have gotten something back. there was no claim process on top of contribution.

You can use the balanceOf function (11th) to check your wallet address:
:arrow_right: Fluence Presale Token (FPT) Token Tracker | Etherscan

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Thanks…i will check this.

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The balance of function it says.
Unit256 : 1500000000000000000000

Not sure what it means. But it does not say zero