Fluence DAO Governance Process

Governance Process

The process described below are how the Fluence community proposes, discusses, and decides on initiatives that will be taken on by the Fluence DAO in its mission to create decentralized, low cost, and verifiable compute ecosystem infrastructure.


Most governance discussions must take place on the official Fluence forum. This is to ensure the community has all the information it needs to make an informed decision about proposals, and to provide transparency into what was decided, what was done, and why.


Proposals can vary broadly in their stated goals and requests.

  • They may ask the community to endorse a specific policy and procedure (e.g. “Should Fluence start a grants program?”), or ask the community to build something (e.g. “Building a new software tool” or “Writing improved documentation”).
  • They may have no funding requests attached or make an explicit request for funding (e.g. “We would like to create a workstream focused on building a decentralized architecture for xyz”).


The Fluence community makes decisions by voting on proposals. Anyone who holds FLT is able to cast their vote themselves or delegate their voting power to a steward.

Typically, proposals will fall into one of three categories:

  1. Funding proposals : A workstream requests funding from the Fluence DAO treasury.
  2. Ratification proposals: The community asks to approve something it wants to do.
  3. Governance proposals: The community is asked to ratify proposed changes to policy or procedures, or the community is asked to vote on structural changes to how the DAO operates.

Proposal Discussion

Before a proposal can go to a vote, it must be posted in the appropriate Proposals category the forum for review and comment by the community.

Moving to Vote

Once a proposal has completed proposal discussion on the forum, formal vote can take place.

On-chain voting is required for any proposals. Proposal is not executable without on chain voting.

Proposer uses Tally to upload proposal for voting. Users use Tally to submit votes.

  • The vote period is 5 days
  • The execution timelock is 5 days

Voting power is directly proportional to the amount of FLT a user holds or has delegated to them.


The proposal submission treshold is 10m FLT proposal treshhold. In order to proposal to reach quorum, 40m FLT must participate in the vote.

Each vote DOES require a quorum or the vote is not considered valid. It is the proposal creator’s responsibility to ensure they are soliciting votes from the community and reach quorum.

Any changes to quorum requirements must be ratified by the community. These changes require general assembly of the DAO, as described here.


how does an early supporter (FPT holder) can take part in voting?

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The proposal submission treshold is 10m FLT proposal treshhold.

My understanding was that this is the amount of FLT needed to create a proposal. How has this proposal been created then considering the wallet owner makes it look like he’s one of the developer reward recipients?

Once a proposal has completed proposal discussion on the forum, formal vote can take place.

What is the definition of “completed”? There have been other proposal with higher acceptance.

Am glad to be among this community. Hope things will work out fĂ­ne.

This proposal created on-chain by me. Voting instructions are here Voting in the DAO

Who constitutes the governance committee right now?

when a proposal passes when is it acted upon by the governance committee?